Mini Simmons 5´4 surfebrett

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75% responsfrekvens

Oslo Fylke 2.5 km

Skader opp til 30 000 kr er forsikret uten egenandel.


Få gleden av å glide rundt på en Mini-Simmons. Twin-fin. 5´4 langt. Ca. 40 liter. Morsomt brett. Veldig rask. Hva er en mini simmons? The Mini Simmons is a nod to one of surfing's greatest, Bob Simmons, the man who brought hydrodynamic theory and speed to surfing. The revolutionary board takes a slice of history and combines it with the best of loose, skatey, fast, fluid and fun. With parallel lines and wide tails, the mini Simmons are flat, thick railed boards with traditional planing hull theories. Mini Simmons are great on not so great days but even better on an overhead. Flat and straight equals fast, so it’s guaranteed you're going to glide. You can get a Simmons with a performance focus or one of classic style and construction for the traditionalist. The Simmons is a great fun shape with endless possibilities, even with their unusual look you’ll get a lot out of the experience in riding and getting to know what a Mini Simmons is all about.


Skader opp til 30 000 kr er forsikret uten egenandel.


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